Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Albertson's Doublers Run July 07 2009 & Superhero cashier nominations

Okie dokie ladies.. it occurred to me today that we all love getting our doublers fixes in.. but what can really make the experience just that much better is having a great checker/cashier that is helpful,efficient and knowledgeable.

We all have our horror stories..well except for me- I'm perfect. **hold on a moment I've got to clean up the mess the lightening made when it burst through my kitchen and struck me on the pooper**. No it didn't hurt a bit.. I've got enough padding back there.

Anywhoo-- Tonight I took out a newbie couponer and we had a great time. I always try to use the same checker-- and in addition to being quick and helpful and patient, he is also hilarious.

So I'm beginning something new.

Superhero checker of the Month.. I'll come up with a more clever name later.. *i'm taking suggestions*.

Each month we will take the nominations and award the most nominated checker something nice-- like a gift certificate-- or a Llama.. well something nice.. you get the picture.

I'll go first and nominate Bryan H. from the Ustick and Five Mile Albertsons. Yay Bryan!

Thanks for understanding how much we ladies hate paying full price!


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