Tuesday, November 17, 2009

$20 off instantly on any purchase at Seventh Avenue

Right now at Seventh Avenue get $20 off your purchase of $20. Pay only S&H which is about $9.95. So Get $20 worth of merchandise for $9.95.

Use Coupon Code: SA20

Ladies please contribute by posting your recent shopping trips or brags!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rip Roaring Comeback

Okay- so maybe not so rip- or roaring.

I had taken a bit of a hiatus from couponing to work on some artistic projects. But I'm back.. and so is my verve for saving money.

Fall is here and the holidays are coming upon us so now is the time to start saving money to anticipate for the 'tis the season sales.

For those of you who are new to this I would advise you start here at this site, it has great information for newbie couponers.

My blog is more of forum for coupon commentary. It will also be a great resource for being able to point you in the right direction for the answers you need.

So here we go.. I am currently taking nominations for contributors to this blog as my focus is on Albertsons.

Stay tuned and I will be posting match ups for this week.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

.39 Cent Lean Pocket & Free Johnsons Baby Soap

I awoke this morning at 5:30am.. I was having doubler withdrawals from Albertsons.
I just needed a quick hit-- just something to tide me over to Sundays Ads...

So here are a couple deals I got--

Johnsons Scrubby soap (in the orange wrapper) double the coupon from the 07-05-09 insert. $1/1 + Dblr= FREE.

**this comes in handy because I have four boys who hold record for how to get the filthiest faster than anyone else-- living or dead**

Lean Pockets = $.39

I doubled a coupon $.50/1 Lean Pocket from the SS (05/19) I believe let me know if I'm wrong. I also used the in-ad coupon for Lean Pockets for $1.39 (up to 6). = $.39
At the end I received a $.75 OYNP for Lean Pockets.

Nothing spectacular... but just enough to get me through today... do you smell that?? I smell coupons...

Of course I bow to the Coupon Queen at krazycouponlady.com if you have questions on the coupon lingo..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Albertson's Doublers Run July 07 2009 & Superhero cashier nominations

Okie dokie ladies.. it occurred to me today that we all love getting our doublers fixes in.. but what can really make the experience just that much better is having a great checker/cashier that is helpful,efficient and knowledgeable.

We all have our horror stories..well except for me- I'm perfect. **hold on a moment I've got to clean up the mess the lightening made when it burst through my kitchen and struck me on the pooper**. No it didn't hurt a bit.. I've got enough padding back there.

Anywhoo-- Tonight I took out a newbie couponer and we had a great time. I always try to use the same checker-- and in addition to being quick and helpful and patient, he is also hilarious.

So I'm beginning something new.

Superhero checker of the Month.. I'll come up with a more clever name later.. *i'm taking suggestions*.

Each month we will take the nominations and award the most nominated checker something nice-- like a gift certificate-- or a Llama.. well something nice.. you get the picture.

I'll go first and nominate Bryan H. from the Ustick and Five Mile Albertsons. Yay Bryan!

Thanks for understanding how much we ladies hate paying full price!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Albertsons Doubler Ideas

Since most of the women who read here already know the dates of the coupons or have it in their binders I won't go through the monotony of doing it.
If you are looking for a specific date go to the KCL Blog just type in a search for the coupon.

P.S. The Smore's promo (Save $3 instantly) is a little hard to understand for more info go here on how it works.

Happy Hunting!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Just every once in a while..

Checker to me: You should have gone through a different line
Me: Sorry about that..
Checker to me: What does the coupon say?
Me: It says....
Checker: Can you read it?
Me: Yeah, it says $1 off of 2...
Checker: Well then you should have gone through my line
Me: This morning's papers has doubler the coupon offered..I just need it applied.

On Hold While Checker answers another customers question.. two three four.. wishing there was better Muzak playing...

Checker: Well the system says you've exceeded your coupons on this transaction do you understand that?
Me: I'm afraid I don't because I've already inserted my $1 Catalina and $1/2 Skippy's into your coupon machine.

On Hold again while checker helps another person with question...
Checker: Well I can't do anything about it.

Me: Will Customer service be able to help me?
Checker: I guess so.. yeah. When they open in an hour.

On Hold again while checker helps another customer.. this time me and my coffee addicted self leaves.. Ridiculous.

Got any horror stories or just plain funny memories-- we'd love to hear em!

Albie's Doublers!

Check your paper this morning- Albertson's again had DOUBLER! Scenarios to come!!-- Really Did y'all think it was all that easy? Lazies! This isn't your regular coupon board people!

Here is something to start you off:
Rhodes rolls- $1.00 coupon off plus doubler from today= $.69 Warm N Serve Rolls!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Free Skippy Peanut Butter at Albertsons

I just got back from Albies—Skippy Peanut Butter Naturals are free!


Buy 2 Skippy Peanut Butter Naturals (creamy, superchunk or other)
Use the $.99 coupon in the Albies store flyer (make sure to scan it twice)
The receipt machine/Catalina machine prints out:
Instantly get a coupon for $1.00 off your purchase
Instantly get a $1.00 store Catalina

I use the self check out so I can use them instantly
Total = FREE (just pay the $.10) tax

I stocked up and got 12 jars and only had to pay the tax on em!



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Say Hello to my little friend!

I've made my grand fourre' (into the happy hectic land of couponing. Mo & Rob are getting bitten by the addictive coupon bug.

Today I think I had my best run.. my couponing skills are becoming honed...

Behold the spoils of today's Albie's run total before tax: $44.49
Total Savings $ 102.24 Avg. per item: $0.76 (*happy tear*)

I'm like an assassin of full markup prices! AH HA HA HA!

I'm couponing tomorrow morning-- let the games begin....
Just the Four of us vs. The Inflated retail prices
SECOND RUN TO ALBIES: 2 Loafs Bread, Sticky Buns & Hefty Bags $1.19

My tall and handsome hubby put down our little bundle of crazyness tonight. Which left me open to feed my addiction... a second run to Albertsons... I have to hurry James Franco is on SNL tonight & private note-- I pretend like I would love to watch Spiderman 3 for the 27th time because of the Franco. (((Mommy Likes))

Whats that- Spiderman's James Franco? You think Couponing is hot?
Yah, we know-- thats right.. we know